Shine in style with this petite bumble bee ring in 10KY yellow gold! The buzzing bee adds a touch of whimsy and fashion to any look. (Bee-lieve us, you'll bee the talk of the town!)
10KY .06CTW Bumble Bee Round Cut Petite Fashion Ring Size 7
$ 74.52
$ 57.32
$ 99.00
$ 55.11
$ 71.64
$ 40.00
$ 68.63
$ 89.22
$ 12.74
$ 14.99
$ 46.64
$ 60.63
$ 43.07
$ 55.99
$ 60.00
$ 69.00
$ 54.48
$ 70.82
Shine in style with this petite bumble bee ring in 10KY yellow gold! The buzzing bee adds a touch of whimsy and fashion to any look. (Bee-lieve us, you'll bee the talk of the town!)
10KY .06CTW Bumble Bee Round Cut Petite Fashion Ring Size 7